Pharmacy COC Exam P-II

 Tharmacy COC Question P-II

1, What is the type of drug-to-drug interaction which is the result of interaction at receptor, cell, enzyme or organ level? 
    A. Pharmacodynamic interaction 
     B. Physical and chemical interaction 
     C.  Pharmaceutical interaction 
     D. Pharmacokinetic interaction 
2, Fluoroquinolones are active against: 
    A. Gram negative microorganisms only 
    B. Mycoplasmas and Chlamidiae only 
    C. Gram positive microorganisms only 
    D. Variety of Gram-negative and positive microorganisms, including Mycoplasmas and Chlamidiae
3,  It is Estimate the need for specific drug based on the expected number at attendants the incidence of common disease and standard treatment pattents for the disease considered by.?
   A. Adjusted consumption method  
   B. Morbidity method 
   C. Consumption method      
   D. Standard tretmant
4,  Mechanism of aminosalicylic acid action is: 
   A. Inhibition of mycolic acids synthesis 
   B. Inhibition of folate synthesis 
   C. Inhibition of DNA dependent RNA polymerase 
   D. Inhibition of DNA gyrase 
5,  Which is the common problem of in DMSM in Ethiopia?
     A. Patient adherence failure  
     B. Counciling failure 
     C. Not selected drug based on local need 
     D. A and B    E. All of 
6,  If two drugs with the same effect, taken together, produce an effect that is equal in magnitude to the sum of the effects of the drugs given individually, it is called as: 
    A. Antagonism     B. Potentiation 
    C. Additive effect  D. None of the above 
7,  A process of deciding the type of needed drug products for the prevalent health diseases are?
    A. Drug quantification  
    B. Drug selection 
    C. Drug donations      
    D. Drug storage 
8,  Characteristics of Amfotericin B are following, EXCEPT: 
A. Used for systemic mycosis treatment 
B. Poor absorption from the gastro-intestinal tract 
C. Does not demonstrate nephrotoxicity 
D. Influences the permeability of fungus cell membrane
9,  Which method is a process of determing the amount of drug required and the process of estimating the quantities of specific drug needed for procurement.
     A. Rational Drug use  
     B. Quantification of drug
     C. Drug selection   
     D. Drug Ordering 
10, What is the type of drug-to-drug interaction which is connected with processes of absorption, biotransformation, distribution and excretion? 
A.  Pharmacodynamic interaction 
B.  Physical and chemical interaction 
C.  Pharmaceutical interaction
 D.  Pharmacokinetic interaction
11, Tick the antibacterial drug – a fluoroquinolone derivative: 
      A.  Chloramphenicol 
      B.  Nitrofurantoin 
      C.  Nalidixic acid 
      D.  Ciprofloxacin
12, Which of the following drugs is used for systemic and deep mycotic infections treatment: 
   A. Co-trimoxazol 
   B. Griseofulvin 
   C. Amphotericin B 
   D. Nitrofungin 
13, Which of the following drugs is used for dermatomycosis treatment: 
   A. Nystatin 
   B. Griseofulvin 
   C. Amphotericin B 
14,   Mechanism of penicillins’ antibacterial effect is: 
  A. Inhibition of transpeptidation in the bacterial cell wall 
 B. Inhibition of beta-lactamase in the bacterial cell 
  C.Activation of endogenous proteases, that destroy bacterial cell wall 
  D. Activation of endogenous phospholipases, which leads to alteration of cell membrane permeability 
15, The drug acts by affecting the tubular fluid composition in a non-receptor mediated fashion: 
   A.  Furosemide (Lasix) 
   B.  Acetazolamide (Diamox) 
   C.  Triamterene (Dyrenium) 
   D.  Mannitol (Osmitrol)

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