Antibiotic Drug

      Drugs Used to treat infections 


   Anti Infection  Include drugs used to infections diseases treat

Anti-Bacterial  drugs used in bacterial infections
Nerrow Spectrum  is effective againts few group MOs(Micro-Organism)
Bacteriacidal:- anti bacterial that kill MOs.
Bacteriastatic:- anti bacterial that inhibits growth of micro Organisms.
Machanism of Action (MOA)
  Act by selective toxicity 
There are 3 Main types of Machanism of action 
1, Inhibition of Cell wall synthesis
     Beta-Lactam antibiotics 
It's also known as penicillinase
  •         Penicillins
  •         Cephalosporins
  •         Vancomycin
2,  Inhibition of neuclic acid synthesis 
  •      Quinolones
  •      Co-trimoxazole
  •      Nitrofurontion
  •      Rifampicin
  •      Tindazole
3,  Inhibition of Protein synthesis 
  •      Aminoglycosides
  •      Tetracycline 
  •      Macrolides
  •      Clindamycin
  •      Chloramphenical
Broad-Spectrum agents Is killed to several group of bacterial. 
 Effective againts several groups of micro organisms .
 used empirice treatment 
Beta Lactamese is a bacterial enzyme that hydrolysis the amide bond of a B-lactam ring 


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