Local Anesthesia

                   Local Anesthesia 

                   Figure 1.1  Local anesthesia 

    Blocks pain at site where the medication is adminstered.
Used to render specific portion of the body insensitive to pain.
Interferl with nerve impuluse transmission to specific areas of the body.
Do not cause loss of consciousness
It's used for:- suturing, Laceration short term local surgery.
Spineal Anesthesia:-Diagnostic procedure 
Local anesthesia includes Procain Tetracaine, Bupivacaine, Lidocain.
Moderate acting locak anesthesia 
Systematically it is also indicated for cardiac arrythmia management
  •               CNS depression 
  •               Convulsion 
  •               Respiratory depression 
  •              CV effects arrhythmia  
Vasoconstrictor on appendages such as fingers toes earlobes and penis
Caution:- Dosage should be reduced for elderly acutely will safety in children has not be established.
Anesthesia solution containing epinephrine should be used with caution in perpheral or hypertensive dieseas and during or following potent general anesthesia.

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