Protein Energy Malnutration(PEM)
PEM are result when the body's needs for protein and energy fuels are not satisfied by the diet.
It is accompanied by deficiency of several micronutrients.
Severity ranges from milder forms weight loss or growth retardation distinct clinical features marasmus,kwashiorkor or marasmic kwashiorkor.
Primary PEM due to inadequate intake.
Secondary PEM other disease lead to low food ingestion inadequate nutrient absorption or utilization increased nutritional requirements increased nutrient losses.
Epidemiology and Ethology
According to the Ethiopia Demographic and health survey(EDHS) preliminary report of 2011 for under five year children showed.
. The percentage of children who are stunted is 44% of which 20% are severely stunted.
. And those of underweight is 29% and 9% of children are severely underweight.
EDHS report of 2019 Table 1.1 shows that 37% of children under age 5 are stunted, and 12% are severely stunted. Seven percent are wasted and 1% severely wasted. Twentyone percent of children are underweight, with 6% severely underweight. Only 2% of children are overweight.
Table 1.1
The percentage of underweight children has declined consistently since 2005, from 33% to 21% (Figure 1.1). On the other hand, the prevalence of wasting has decreased only from 12% to 7%.
The prevalence of stunting has decreased from 51% to 37%, while the prevalence of severe stunting has decreased by more than half (from 28% to 12%) (Figure 1.2).
Figure 1.1 Trends in nutritional status of children
Percentage of children under age 5 who are malnourished
Figure 1.1 Figure 1.2 Trends in stunting
Percentage of children under age 5 who are stunted
Figure 1.2 Ethology
Social and Economic factors
Social and Cultural problem
Biological Factors
Meternal malnutrition
Dietary factor bulky food
With low nutritional value.
Environmental factors
Over croweded and or unsanitary living condition
Agricultural patterns, droughts, floods, wars and forced.
Age of the host more frequent among infant and young children.