Showing posts from October, 2022

Anti-Hypertension drugs classified as 5

Cardo Vascular Drugs Anti-Hypertension drugs classified as 5                   1, Diuretics     Thiazides                     Hydrochlorothiazide                      Clorthalidone                     Indopramide   Loop diuretics              …


B UFFERS AND BUFFER SOLUTIONS              Figure 1.1  The concentration of weak acid and conjugate baes                            Figure 1.2   The presence of certain substances or combinations of substances in aqueous solution imparts to …

Antibiotic Drug

Drugs Used to treat infections          Anti Infection  Include drugs used to infections diseases treat Anti-Bacterial  drugs used in bacterial infections Nerrow Spectrum   is effective againts few group MOs(Micro-Organism) Bacteriacidal :- anti…

Local Anesthesia

Local Anesthesia                      Figure 1.1  Local anesthesia      Blocks pain at site where the medication is adminstered. Used to render specific portion of the body insensitive to pain. Interferl with nerve impuluse transmi…

Calculation of doses and formulas

Calculation of doses and formulas                    Calculations of doses   The dose of a drug is the quantitative amount administered or taken by a patient for the intended medicinal effect. The dose may be expressed as a single dose a daily…

Nucleic Acid

Nucleic Acid Nucleic acids are biopolymers, macromolecules, essential to all known forms of life. They are composed of nucleotides, which are the monomers made of three components: a 5-carbon sugar, a phosphate group and a nitrogenous …

HOw to treat Depression

D epression        Depression is a leading cause of disability worldwide and is a major contributor to the overall global burden of disease. Depression is a common mental disorder. Globally, it is estimated that 5% of adults suffer f…

9 Use of magnesium for health

Use of Magnesium for Health                 9 Use of magnesium   Figure out how this stalwart mineral assists us with remaining sound consistently with our manual for the advantages of magnesium Magnesium is a fundamental mineral that our body u…

Pharmacy COC Exam P-IV

Pharmacy coc Exam  P-IV 1. The main drug commonly used antiepileptic drugs effective on against partial and generalized seizures but not effective in abisence seizure. A, Phenobarbitone  B, Carbamazepin  C, Phenytoin  D, All 2. The drug are in a…

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